
tea science Learn more about tea science

  • Tea trees rely on science and technology without pesticides.

    Tea trees rely on science and technology without pesticides.

    Tea trees rely on science and technology without pesticides.

  • Dr. Qiangzhai, a Tibetan township based on science and technology, makes the plateau rich in strawberries.

    Dr. Qiangzhai, a Tibetan township based on science and technology, makes the plateau rich in strawberries.

    Dr. Qiangzhai, a Tibetan township based on science and technology, makes the plateau rich in strawberries.

  • 2015 Taiwan International Tea Culture creativity and Science and Technology Forum ends on the 30th.

    2015 Taiwan International Tea Culture creativity and Science and Technology Forum ends on the 30th.

    The 2015 Taiwan International Tea Culture creativity and Technology Forum, jointly organized by the Nantou County Government, the Taiwan Craft Research and Development Center and the Tea Industry improvement Center, will be held in Caotun Town, Nantou County on October 8 and 9, 2014.

  • Ding Zhaotang: "Dr. Tea" with Strong Science and Technology

    Ding Zhaotang:

    Ding Zhaotang: "Dr. Tea" with Strong Science and Technology

  • The "seeder" of science and technology rooted in mountains and villages


    The "seeder" of science and technology rooted in mountains and villages

  • How does tea science top dressing?

    How does tea science top dressing?

    How does tea science top dressing? Please guide tea fertilization should adhere to the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer, control the total amount of nitrogen fertilizer, especially control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the later stage, in order to improve the quality of tea. At the same time, attention should be paid to the coordinated application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and the balanced application of medium and trace elements. It is forbidden to apply...

  • Tea tree variety: Baxian tea

    Tea tree variety: Baxian tea

    Breeding units: Agricultural Committee, Science and Technology Commission and Science and Technology Service Station of Zhao 'an County, Fujian Province. Approval status: Approved by Fujian Province Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1987, approved by National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1995. Variety registration number: GS13012-l994. Source of variety: bred from Xiuzhuan local sexual population by single plant selection method. Characteristics: belongs to small arbor big leaves, tall plants, developed roots, early spring germination, late winter garden closure, strong bud ability,

  • The computer can not only choose potatoes, but also grow tea rice. AI will grow winter oolong tea champion.

    The computer can not only choose potatoes, but also grow tea rice. AI will grow winter oolong tea champion.

    Minshi University of Science and Technology of Hsinchu County used AI artificial intelligence technology to guide tea farmers to improve the tea growth environment and the production and baking process. Unexpectedly, it unexpectedly won the first prize in the evaluation of oolong tea from Nantou Lugu Farmers' Association this year. People can see that computers not only "can pick potatoes, but also plant tea". In the future, they plan to use technology.

  • The processing technology of γ-aminobutyric acid tea has been identified.

    The processing technology of γ-aminobutyric acid tea has been identified.

    The successful "processing Technology of γ-aminobutyric Acid Tea", led by Dr. Lin Zhi of the Tea Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, recently passed the expert appraisal organized by the Department of Science and Technology of Zhejiang Province. The appraisal committee listened to the technical research report of the project team and reviewed the tea samples. after careful consideration, the appraisal committee agreed that the technology was comprehensive and systematic, had a number of innovations, filled the domestic gap, and ranked at the international leading level in similar research. The main research results are as follows: 1. Seven tea varieties suitable for the production of γ-aminobutyric acid tea were selected for the first time.

  • Tea Variety-Longjing 43

    Tea Variety-Longjing 43

    Clones. Shrub type, middle leaf type, especially early seed. It was bred by Tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences from Longjing species by systematic breeding method. In 1987, the National crop Variety approval Committee approved (recognized) as a national variety with the approval number GS13007-1987, which won the National Science Congress Award. Characteristics: the plant is medium, the tree posture is half-open, the branches are dense, and the leaves are obliquely attached. Leaves oval, dark green, flat, slightly inflexed, leaf edge microwave, leaf tip acuminate, leaf

  • "New Farmers" how to create Wealth, New Agriculture wants the Future to the Development of Science and Technology

    When the ancient agriculture encounters the era of technological change, what kind of aggregation effect will it produce? At the site of the Postal savings Bank Cup Chinese Youth Agriculture-related Industry Entrepreneurship Competition recently held by the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, young people from all over the country are using their energies.

    2016-03-20 New farmers how to create wealth new agriculture to
  • Qingchuang Achievement Exhibition in Miaoli County attracts attention from the tea culture industry on the third line of Romantic Taiwan.

    Qingchuang Achievement Exhibition in Miaoli County attracts attention from the tea culture industry on the third line of Romantic Taiwan.

    The Miaoli County Government and Yuda University of Science and Technology held a joint achievement exhibition of "Hakka Youth returning to their hometown to create a Life" at the Urban Planning Hall on the 19th, showing the creativity of young generations through Hakka walking show, Qingchuang market and entrepreneurial experience sharing among young people returning to their hometown.

  • There is "gold" under the rubber forest of planting pink bananas and raising bacteria.

    There is

    There is "gold" under the rubber forest of planting pink bananas and raising bacteria.

  • The 2nd Tea Conference focuses on tea quality and safety

    The 2nd Tea Conference focuses on tea quality and safety

    From September 19 to 20, the 2nd Tea Industry Conference sponsored by China Association for the Promotion of International Cooperation in Agriculture was held in Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Representatives from the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agriculture Department of Shaanxi Province and other local agricultural departments, Chinese and foreign industry associations and Chinese and foreign tea enterprises attended the meeting, tea industry standards and quality

    2016-01-10 2nd Tea Industry Conference Focus Tea Quality and Safety September
  • Tea Variety: Zhongcha 102

    Tea Variety: Zhongcha 102

    Crop species: tea Variety name: Zhongcha 102 breeding Unit: tea Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Variety Source: from Longjing population species selected from a single plant characteristics: belong to shrub type, middle leaves, early species. The tree is half-open and has dense branches. The leaf blade is elliptic, the leaf color is green, the leaf vein is 7.05 pairs, the leaf tip acuminate. The bud leaves are yellowish green, the hairs are medium, and the buds weigh 39 grams. Strong sprouting ability. Spring tea contains 4.11% amino acids in one bud and two leaves, 19.5% tea polyphenols, 3.4% caffeine and water.

  • Improved Tea Variety: Ningzhou 2

    Improved Tea Variety: Ningzhou 2

    It belongs to asexual reproduction system. It is a national improved breed. It is selected by Xiushui Tea Science Research Institute of Jiangxi Province. Morphological characteristics: shrub type, middle leaf, middle bud species. Tree posture opened, spring buds germinated in late March, one bud and three leaves flourished in late April, and a hundred buds weighed 71 grams. It is suitable for Jiangxi tea area to create famous green tea. Use it to make green tea with mellow fragrance. The quality characteristics of spring tea with one bud and two leaves are as follows: tea polyphenols 25.0%, water extract 41.7%.

  • Tea variety: Qianmei 809

    Tea variety: Qianmei 809

    Crop species: tea Variety name: Qianmei 809 breeding Unit: Guizhou Provincial Tea Science Research Institute Variety Source: Fuding Dabai Tea × Qianmei 412 Provincial examination and approval: characteristics approved by Guizhou crop Variety approval Committee in 1999: small tree type, big leaf type, mesophytic species. There is an obvious main rod, the branches are half-open, and the leaves are slightly obliquely inserted. The average length of the leaf is 14.2 cm, the width is 6.7 cm, the leaf vein is 911 pairs, the leaf surface is raised, the leaf tip is convex.

  • What kind of tea is Huang Guanyin?

    What kind of tea is Huang Guanyin?

    Huang Guanyin is a kind of Wuyi rock tea. It is an early variety tea bred by the Institute of Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Huang Dan as male parent and Tieguanyin as female parent. It belongs to small tree type. The tea is of excellent quality, green-brown in color and mellow in taste.

    2020-11-09 Huang Guanyin what is it tea Huang Guanyin yes
  • Qianmei 809 (Tea Tree)

    Qianmei 809 (Tea Tree)

    Variety approval No.: national examination Tea 2002007 crop species: tea Variety name: Qianmei 2002007 breeding Unit: Guizhou Provincial Tea Science Research Institute Variety Source: Fuding Dabai Tea × Qianmei 412 Provincial approval: characteristics approved by Guizhou crop Variety approval Committee in 1999: small tree type, big leaf type, mesophytic species. There is an obvious main rod, the branches are half-open, and the leaves are slightly obliquely inserted. Leaf flat average length is 14.2 cm, width is 6.7 cm, leaf vein

  • A New Tea Variety-- Echa 9

    A New Tea Variety-- Echa 9

    "E Cha 9", a new tea variety selected by the Tea Science Research Institute of Yiling District, Yichang City, Hubei Province (postcode: 443100, telephone: 0717-7822446), recently passed the variety approval of Hubei Province. This variety belongs to small tree type, big leaf class, big bud class early born species. The tree posture is half-open, the growth potential is strong, and the branch density is medium. The leaf is long oval, the leaf color is green, the leaf surface is raised, the hairs are medium, the leaf tip is acuminate. One bud with three leaves, 100 buds weighs 72.85 grams, and the germination density is average. Suitable for sprouting tea, can make both red and green tea. Cold resistance
